Virginia Room Digital Collection


The Virginia Room Digital Collection includes photographs, oral histories, books, pamphlets and finding aids to items in the Virginia Room. Continue to check back for new additions.

Browse Items (8 total)

Davis 56.66 Viscose Life Saving Crew Board.jpg
Board members of the Viscose Life Saving Crew. 1st row, L to R: Donald Thompson, William Barton, Leroy Smith, John Cadden and Walter Otey. 2nd row, L to R: William Franklin, L.W. Overstreet, R. Nelson Sibold, ? Booker, George Hash and ? Monroe.

Davis 56.661 Viscose Life Saving Crew.jpg
Viscose Life Saving Crew members. Seated from L to R: L.W. Overstreet, __ Monroe, Walter Otey, Leroy Smith, R. Nelson Sibold, William Barton, Donald Thompson and unknown. All others uknown.

Davis 56.664 Viscose Life Saving Crew Officers.jpg
Officers of the American Viscose Life Saving Crew. Seated, L to R: Roy Martin, R. Nelson Sibold, L.W. Overstreet. Standing, L to R: Vic Angel, George Hash and L. Monroe.

Davis 56.665 Viscose Award Winners.jpg
Winners of the first salvage award for the American Viscose Life Saving Crew, Bessie Mills and R. Nelson Sibold, aboard train bound for awards presentation in New York.

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Members of the American Viscose Life Saving Crew & First Aid.

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American Viscose Life Saving Crew marches in a World War II victory parade.

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Members of American Viscose Life Saving Crew and First Aid.

Davis 56.669 Viscose Life Saving Crew.jpg
Members of the American Viscose Life Saving Crew and First Aid.
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